December 20, 2012
The Rebbe in #861, Shleimus HaAretz

Translation by Rabbi Binyomin Schlanger


On the verse which states “And the Children of Israel travelled from the wells of the sons of Yaakov to Moser,” Rashi comments that after the great victory of the Jewish People over the King of Arad, beset suddenly with fear of further war, they retreated eight journeys. This is difficult to comprehend. Why were they in shock and why did they flee? The answer is that they were convinced by their evil inclination, a master craftsman concealing his intent in supposedly G-d-fearing words: “Certainly you conquered the King of Arad, but there is reason to fear further warfare. You may well be conquered because ‘you must not rely on miracles.’”

This was precisely repeated after the Sinai War (1956). Israel, in trepidation of Egypt, felt they must submit to Egypt’s demands. Israel forces retreated in return for assurances of peace and rights to free access through the Suez Canal. President Nasser of Egypt violated this promise. In exchange for that offering of peace – Israel’s reason for retreat Egypt prepared for war! Once again, shortly before the outbreak of the Six Day War, Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran preparing their military for war. Many argued that Israel should not initiate war but find a peaceful solution instead. With G-d’s mercy, Israel opened the attack, disregarding world opinion. The entire world saw the miraculous victory. After the Six Day War, the view not to retreat from the territories took precedence. 

The fact is that whenever Israel took the initiative when faced with war, the number of dead was minimal. On the other hand, in Jerusalem where it was decided NOT to attack, the number killed was much greater. Yet now, regardless of having seen the victory of the Six Day War through no fear of or demonstrations of subservience to the Arabs, for three years now Israel is begging the Arabs to take back the conquered territories! Initially, President Nasser was convinced that Israel was setting a trap, never thinking that Israel would return conquered, natural security borders. But after years of entreaties he began to understand that Israel really does want them to take back the territories.

I must expose the truth: They have decided to give away the Old City of Jerusalem! In order to sweeten the pill they have presented the recommendation to the President of Egypt that Jerusalem will belong to the Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Even according to those that consider that this is the way to make peace, this textual order is unfathomable: “Christians, Muslims and Jews.” Jerusalem belongs to the Jewish People not only from a halachic perspective. History documents without contradiction that King David established Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. One thousand years later, history saw the arrival of Christians and Arabs. Why in the text of compromise did they end with the word Jews? Where is the limit to the abasement of Jewish pride? And this is not final. They want to relinquish Hebron! It is a shame and disgrace that in Israel there should be a law to which all government ministers put their signature clearly implying that Jewish People have no right to dwell in Hebron and near the Cave of Machpela. 

This law was joyfully handed to the City Head of Hebron, whose family members murdered Jews in Hebron in the riots of 1929. Have they murdered and gained the right to inherit? 

(Spoken at a public gathering Shabbos Parshas Eikev 1970)


It was for the representatives of Israel to present the argument that they are unable to cede the lands of Yehudah and the Shomron (these are of no interest to Egypt). The Torah explicitly forbids this (“Do not cede any part of Israel to the nations”). Primarily the territories of Yehuda and the Shomron are border lands, serving to protect Eretz Israel.

Had they argued this forcefully they would certainly have succeeded in their quest. Jerusalem stands as a proof. The President of Egypt demanded Jerusalem with the exact fortitude with which he demanded other issues. When he was told in no uncertain terms: “NO,” he fell into agreement. As they stood their ground on Jerusalem they could have stood with fortitude regarding “The West Bank.” But since they faltered they were unsuccessful in holding on. This was well known to all those who were in the know of the diplomatic issues at hand, in addition to the information which filtered through from behind closed doors. After this failure some consider that since we have signed, it is as if the territories are given and cannot be retrieved. But note: this is not yet a fait accompli. In fact the matter has not even begun. Initially they need to talk through the subject in question down to the finest details. At that stage the decision to regret and annul will become the issue. Of course, this is not a matter of which we can speak publicly.

I say with full responsibility: It is forbidden to relinquish any part of the West Bank according to Jewish Law because this is life threatening! The United States needs to see that they have dealings with men who know how to take a powerful stand; a stand of Jewish Law, a Torah stand of the Torah of Truth. The Torah of Life states since this is life-threatening, it is forbidden to open the borders even to the extent of the small finger because this will open up the entire land before them. As was seen previously, when they argued forcefully, their demands were accepted.

This is the view of all the military. They can once again call a meeting and ask them about the situation purely from a military perspective and then come to a conclusion. All the military will state in one unified voice that to cede territories will create a life-threatening situation to all of the Jewish inhabitants of the Holy Land, may it never happen. Therefore it is impossible to concede Yehuda and the Shomron.

This argument will be accepted even now: Egypt is not desperate. The West Bank is irrelevant to her. The United States will not permit the parties to leave Camp David without some sort of signature of a breakthrough to peace between Egypt and Israel. When the US will see that in no way will they relinquish Yehuda and Shomron, they will exert their influence that Israel and Egypt sign some statement of peace to prevent war. (As is known there cannot be war without Egypt being involved.) In order for this to take place, in the few hours they are there, they must stand strong and clearly declare the view of the military. They need not say this is written in the Shulchan Aruch, but rather the unified voice of the military. 

(From a public farbrengen Motzaei Shabbos 1979)


The government of Israel has created, with its very own hands, the demographic problem by not expelling the Arabs who were warring with us through the Six-Day War, leaving the Arabs in their locations. So let the government not come now and wave (what in truth is their own failure) a demographic problem to explain away why they, as they claim, need to withdraw from the territories and not annex these to the State of Israel. 

Indeed, I will admit that their (the large Arab population) dwelling in the State can create a great problem, but what is the better alternative? Is it better that that this area becomes an independent Palestinian state or a Jordanian state in which there are one and a half million Arabs within shooting distance who will war with every town and village in the Land? Is it not better that those very same million Arabs would be subject to controlled supervision of the State within her borders, even with all the problems to which this gives rise?

It is shameful that those representatives of Israel are totally afraid to mention in their political dealings that our right to the Land comes from G-d’s Promise.

Note that we see many young Arabs who are not ashamed of their faith. When they demand what they consider are their rights to the Land, they bring religious reasoning. They express themselves therewith that they will not compromise “the holy lands.” Only in our circles are there those who are ashamed. You have already tried all the formulas (expressions for Israel’s rights to the Land) and have seen the (tragic) results. And nevertheless you are afraid to try the most effective way (of international persuasion). 

(From an interview with Mr. Shmuel Katz, 1978)

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