Translated by Boruch Merkur
A portion of the conversation of the Rebbe MH”M with the former Chief Rabbis in the Holy Land, Rabbi Avraham HaKohen Shapira o.b.m. and Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu o.b.m., during their visit on Tuesday of Parshas B’Har, 11 Iyar 5749. * “We will not protest if Eliyahu HaNavi appears in the Diaspora, even in Brooklyn, and the following day Moshiach comes to Teveria.”
“If you truly believe that there is something so magnificent about to happen, how is possible that you do not yearn, await, and eagerly anticipate it?! And if one does not yearn and await the coming of Moshiach, his faith is surely lacking!”
The Rebbe MH”M: It is said of the Torah, “Turn it over, turn it over, for all is within it” (Avos 5:21), meaning that every time the Torah is studied, further details of insight, further exegesis, etc., can be gleaned. This is especially applicable as we are now in Ikvisa D’Ikvisa D’Meshicha [the final era, immediately preceding the redemption], “And if not now, when?”
On this basis, added emphasis can be attributed to the words of Rambam [on the obligation to believe in the coming of Moshiach]: “Anyone who does not believe in him or does not eagerly anticipate his arrival, etc.” The obligation is not only to believe in the coming of Moshiach but to eagerly anticipate his arrival, as expressed in the Thirteen Principles, “I believe in the coming of Moshiach … every day I await his coming.”
Rabbi Shapira: Regarding faith in the coming of Moshiach and the eager anticipation of his arrival – each aspect depends on the other. That is, were one to not anticipate his arrival, that is an indication that he does not truly believe in him. Indeed, were his faith in the coming of Moshiach genuine, how is it possible that he would not eagerly await and anticipate his arrival?! If you [truly] believe that there is something so magnificent about to happen, how is possible that you do not yearn, await, and eagerly anticipate it?! And if one does not yearn and await the coming of Moshiach, his faith is surely lacking!
Rabbi Eliyahu: Faith and yearning for the coming of Moshiach includes [the desire] that he should come speedily, immediately.
The Rebbe MH”M: The Rambam refers to this detail as well in Seifer HaYad [Mishneh Torah]: “The Torah promises that the Jewish people will eventually repent at the end of their exile and immediately they will be redeemed,” specifying that this will take place “immediately.”
Rabbi Eliyahu: Last time [we visited 27 Adar Sheini 5746], we spoke about Moshiach – that there needs to be a resolution, a ruling that Moshiach must come immediately.
The Rebbe MH”M: My recollection is that also then we emphasized the need to render a ruling that Moshiach Tzidkeinu must come immediately, bearing in mind, of course, the special status of our gathering – being more than three rabbis together. Indeed, among us are rabbis from Eretz Yisroel, regarding which it says, “there is no Torah like the Torah of Eretz Yisroel” (B’Reishis Rabba 16:4). All the more so, the Torah of a Kohen and the Torah of Rishon L’Tziyon [the chief rabbi of the Sephardim] (and in Tziyon itself, “Rishon – the First – of Tziyon”).
Rabbi Eliyahu: “U’va l’Tziyon goel – And a redeemer shall come to Tziyon” (Yeshayahu 59:20).
The Rebbe MH”M (smiling): “U’va l’Tziyon goel” is said in the future tense, but it needs to be a description of something that has already taken place, or at least a moment after it has occurred!
In the Midrashim of our Sages we find that Moshiach Tzidkeinu (Eliyahu HaNavi) will first be revealed in Galil (Zohar I 119a, etc.), and in Galil itself, in Teveria (Megilla 6a), which is “goodly of appearance” (to note that Moshiach is connected with vision, sight, as is known that the Torah study of Moshiach Tzidkeinu will be in a manner of seeing – see Likkutei Torah Tzav 17a, where it is discussed). However, we will not protest if Eliyahu HaNavi appears in the Diaspora, even in Brooklyn, and the following day Moshiach comes to Teveria.
(From Seifer HaSichos 5749 vol. 2, pg. 750-1.)