April 5, 2016
Rabbi Shloma Majeski in #1016, D'var Malchus

This anticipation is especially heighted in the present time, in general, as has been mentioned repeatedly of late: according to all the signs of the redemption “hinei zeh (Moshiach) ba – this one (Moshiach) comes” this very instant. * From Chapter Six of Rabbi Shloma Majeski’s Likkutei Mekoros (Underlined text is the compiler’s emphasis.)

Translated by Boruch Merkur

1. Today is an extremely auspicious time for the advent of Moshiach Tzidkeinu, especially since we are coming from Shabbos Tisha B’Av (nidcheh, the fast being deferred until after Shabbos):
It is a fundamental principle of the Jewish faith (“Ani Maamin”) that “Achakeh lo b’chol yom sh’yavo – Every day I await his arrival,” interpreted here to mean “sh’yavo b’chol yom – (I expect) each day (that) he arrives.” This anticipation is especially heighted in the present time, in general, as has been mentioned repeatedly of late: according to all the signs of the redemption “hinei zeh (Moshiach) ba – this one (Moshiach) comes” this very instant. (Indeed, the fact that Moshiach has still not arrived is entirely incomprehensible.) The auspiciousness of the time for the advent of Moshiach is further underscored in the month of Av, as stated in Midrash: “Aryeh (a lion) arose in the mazal of Aryeh (the fifth month) and destroyed Ariel (the Beis HaMikdash), etc., in order (al m’nas) that Aryeh (the Alm-ghty) should come in the mazal of Aryeh (“I have transformed their mourning into jubilation”) and rebuild Ariel.” That is, in the month of Av, there shall be the construction of the Third Beis HaMikdash, “The sanctuary, O L-rd, [which] Your hands have founded.” Moreover, the intent and precondition of the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash in this month is – “al m’nas (zeh) – in order (to bring about this rebuilding).”
The latter point is underscored by the name of the month (called according to “Jewish custom (which) is Torah”) Menachem Av. Before “Av” (before the Biblical name of the month) there is first mention of “Menachem,” the consolation and comfort afforded by the redemption. In this sense, Menachem Av signifies the fact that consolation and comfort (“Menachem”) is imparted in this month, the comfort for all [the painful] matters associated with the month of Av. This is accomplished through the transformation of the undesirable aspects of the descent of the month of Av into a very great ascent (“Menachem*”) – “that Aryeh should come in the mazal of Aryeh and rebuild Ariel” (for which reason – “al m’nas” – there was a descent), as discussed above.
*For this is also the name of Moshiach, as discussed later in the text proper.
(Shabbos Parshas D’varim, Shabbos Chazon, Tisha B’Av (nidcheh), 10 and 11 Av 5751; Seifer HaSichos 5751, pg. 721)

Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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