November 29, 2013
Rabbi Shloma Majeski in #904, Basi L'Gani, D'var Malchus, Moshiach & Geula

A glimmer of this Divine service is attainable by every Jew, and thus, it is obligatory to make the attempt. * The Rebbeim blazed a trail and provided us with the means to approach this lofty avoda. * Chapter 6 of Rabbi Shloma Majeski’s Likkutei Mekoros continues to illustrate how the histalkus of the Rebbe Rayatz marks the end of his life’s service in this world and the beginning of the Rebbe MH”M’s leadership, leading up to the true and complete redemption. (Bold text is the compiler’s emphasis.)

Translated and presented by Boruch Merkur

As we have discussed, the Divine service of Avrohom Avinu was focused on spreading monotheism. To that end, he did not deliberately seek out self-sacrifice, but if his holy work should require self-sacrifice, he was prepared for that too. In Basi L’Gani of 5711, the Rebbe MH”M goes on to discuss, near the end of the maamer, the feeling of intimidation that approaching this lofty avoda may engender. But the very preciousness of our generation, the seventh generation (from the Alter Rebbe), is that we are equipped with the capacity to take on this great challenge. Our success in this mission culminates in the fulfillment of our destiny, the ultimate destiny of the entire world, to bring about the manifestation of the very essence of G-d in the physical world, with the imminent Messianic redemption.


Although [self-reflection in the face of the avoda of Avrohom Avinu gives rise to the feeling of unworthiness, recognizing that] who has the audacity to say, “I shall go and serve G-d with the avoda of Avrohom Avinu,” nevertheless a glimmer of this avoda is attainable by every single person, and thus, it is obligatory [to make the attempt]. Indeed, the capacity for this lofty avoda has been granted, insofar as we have had the opportunity to observe and learn from the conduct of [the leader of] the first [generation, the Alter Rebbe], and from the Alter Rebbe onward, up to and including my revered father in-law, the Rebbe. The Rebbeim blazed a trail and provided us with the means to approach this kind of Divine service.

In fact, this comprises the preciousness of the seventh generation – that several spiritual resources were entrusted to us and revealed for our sake. And through this manner of Divine service, our generation shall draw down the Ikar Sh’china into this physical and coarse world, a revelation that even surpasses the revelation of G-dliness in the world [in its original state of perfection] prior to the sin of eating from the Tree of Knowledge. Thus, it is [likewise] written about Moshiach [as well as the “new souls” of the Future Era – see Likkutei Torah Shir HaShirim, end; see Footnote 19 of Basi L’Gani 5711], “exceedingly exalted,” more so than Adam HaRishon, even greater than Adam as he was prior to the sin.

And [as stated about Moshiach in Yeshayahu 53:4-5] “He bears our illness and suffers our pain.” My father in-law, the Rebbe, “is defiled by our iniquities, crushed by our transgressions.” The Rebbe has witnessed our suffering, and speedily in our days and in our time he shall redeem his flock from both this spiritual exile as well as the physical exile, together as one, and bring us to stand in the shining light of redemption.

All of the above, however, only pertains to “revelations.” But the Rebbe will accomplish something greater than that; he shall connect and unify us with the very being and essence of the infinite G-d, may He be blessed. Indeed, this is the inner intent of the decent and hishtalshlus (digression) of [G-dliness within] the worlds, the inner intent of the concept of sin and correcting it, as well as the concept of the histalkus of tzaddikim, which brings about the manifestation of the glory of G-d.

When the Rebbe takes us out of exile with an uplifted hand, and there shall be light for all the Jewish people in the places they reside, “Then Moshe and the Jewish people shall sing, etc., G-d shall reign forevermore” (and as it appears in the prayer liturgy, as well as in the Aramaic translation, Targum), “Havaya malchusei ka’eim l’olam u’l’olmei olmaya,” which concludes, “and G-d shall reign, etc., Havaya is one and His name is one.” There will then be no distinction between G-d and His name [i.e., G-d’s essence will be fully manifest in the physical world].

All this is accomplished through the histalkus of tzaddikim, an occurrence that is “more difficult than the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash.” Since all of the events have already transpired, now the matter is only dependent upon us, the seventh generation, and we shall merit to be together with the Rebbe here below – in a body and below ten handbreadths – and he will redeem us.

(Seifer HaMaamarim Basi L’Gani (5711) Vol. 1, pg. 36)

Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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