March 10, 2016
Rabbi Shloma Majeski in #1012, D'var Malchus

The very resolution to do so immediately brings about the reward, the advent of the redemption, this very instant. * Final entry of Chapter Five of Rabbi Shloma Majeski’s Likkutei Mekoros Vol. 2. (Underlined text is the compiler’s emphasis.)

Translated by Boruch Merkur

10. It is clear from the above that there is great need and necessity in adding strength and fortitude to those activities that draw close and speed up the redemption, and bring it into reality, immediately, in this very moment.

First and foremost, from a prominent theme in Parshas Mishpatim:

The parsha focuses, of course, on the details of “mishpatim,” civil, interpersonal laws, in order to arrive at peaceful solutions (and certainly ruling out its opposite, thereby nullifying the cause of the final exile). In fact, honoring these laws brings about the redemption, as our Sages say in praise of being meticulous in these laws: “through it, Tziyon is built, as it is said, ‘Tziyon will be redeemed with mishpat.” So too with regard to tzdaka, charity (“and its captives (will be redeemed) with tzdaka”). The same is true of acts of kindness, as mentioned in this week’s parsha, “When you will lend money to My people, to the poor,” and our Sages teach in Meseches Sukka 49b, “acts of kindness are [even] greater than charity.” Also, in the sugya in Bava Basra (“the interpretation” of Parshas Mishpatim in the Oral Torah) the details of the Mitzvos of Tz’daka are discussed, among which is the fundamental concept of “Tzdaka is great for it brings the redemption closer, as it is said, ‘Thus says G-d: Keep judgement and do tzdaka, for My salvation is near to come and My righteousness is close to being revealed.’”

(The call to add in everything pertaining to “mishpat should begin with the timely matter of the custom that applies throughout the year, to arrange on Motzaei Shabbos Kodesh, “When you will lend money, etc.,” preparing a Melaveh Malka to benefit the cause of gmillus chassidim, acts of kindness. And since, “it is permissible to oversee the needs of the public on Shabbos,” it is right and proper that the directors of the institutions of gmillus chassadim should get up and make announcements about the Melaveh Malka. Certainly they will be arranged with great pomp and festivity – “the glory of the king is with the masses.” People should give to institutions of gmillus chassadim what the generosity of their pure hearts dictates. Indeed the very resolution to do so immediately brings about the reward, the advent of the redemption, this very instant, for then a Melaveh Malka will be arranged, “The Feast of Dovid Malka Meshicha,” with the participation of the leader of our generation, Moshiach Tzidkeinu, at the head, in our holy land, in Yerushalayim the holy city, and in the Third Beis HaMikdash.)

(Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim, 27 Shvat, Mevarchim HaChodesh Adar 1; Seifer HaSichos 5752, pg. 372-373)


Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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