Where Is the Car We Drove Yesterday?
May 30, 2019
rena g in #1168, Moments with the Rebbe


In 5786 (1986) an idea came up to give the Rebbe a gift — a new stretch Cadillac for his frequent visits to the Ohel. Until then, the Rebbe was using an older car – a 1977 model Cadillac. The car was donated by the famous philantroipst and Chassid, Rabbi Zalman Gurary.

The first ride was scheduled for Purim Katan. a large crowd gathered outside 770 singing Didan Notzach waiting to witness the historic event.

The Rebbe walked out of 770, gave out coins to the children present, And as he approached the car, the Rebbe’s face became serious and he turned to his driver, Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, and asked him what is this all about. He answered that it’s a present. The Rebbe refused it and said “Soneh matanos Yichye – He who spurns gifts will live long.” The Rebbe asked that the old car be returned and waited about 5 minutes till the car came and all the necessary belongings were transferred back.


Two months later, when everyone thought the story is over, the Rebbe publicly addressed this occurrence. In a sicha at the farbrengen of Shabbos Parshas Kedoshim 5746, the Rebbe said:

“This reality of eradicating the negative applies not only to prohibited areas, but also to permitted areas such as luxuries and superfluity … Careful and honest introspection will also uncover the evil side of such luxuries, even when they are cloaked in a mantle of religiosity or sanctity. for example, the need to purchase [for me] a new automobile for the alleged purpose of being able to move more quickly and fulfill the will of Hashem. This evil must be eliminated.

The old car is fine. With it, many good things were accomplished, and it can do the same in the future. Especially since we will immediately be flying on the “clouds of the sky,” then we will not need cars. Thus, even the concept of “Iskafya” is also relevant to me.



Watch a video of the event at: http://chabadinfo.com/video/watch-new-car-presented-to-the-rebbe/


Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (http://www.beismoshiachmagazine.org/).
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