Darkness implodes into light. * T’filla, d’veikus to Hashem, is a frequency that transcends conflict. * The ultimate peace of Moshiach, Prince of Peace.
Darkness implodes into light. * T’filla, d’veikus to Hashem, is a frequency that transcends conflict. * The ultimate peace of Moshiach, Prince of Peace.
The world was created for you, the Jewish people. * When we are grateful for what we have been blessed with, we celebrate openly before Hashem.
Now is the time of reward. Hashem provides each Jew with all he or she needs - in abundance. * Your destiny reflects your origin, but where are you now?
Our experience is forced upon us. It’s what we do with it, our reaction, that makes even the bad, the ugly, into bittersweet good. * The ultimate judge is us, our soul.
The world is already rectified. * Enforcing rules that we don’t understand becomes a thing of the past. * Good advice speaks to us; it is not imposed. That is the purpose of prophecy.
Moshiach teaches specifically through vision. We will no longer need to turn to the written text, “for they will all know Me.” * Be real and authentic and those around you will automatically light up with inspiration of their own.
Before the Messianic Era, there is a resurgence of prophecy. * Being authentic and real is the consolation for exile and the gateway to geula.
It will be obvious to see the Beis HaMikdash. It will be a tailormade vision, fitting each person perfectly. * Progress becomes organic, one’s very nature.
This path may be less trodden, but the gates are open wide. * Certainly by now we have corrected the cause of exile. * A call to unity, towards shining the light of the “new Torah.”
To accomplish the delicate task of fair distribution, Divine oversight is required. * The litmus test is perfect clarity and transparency, genuine communication.
Moshiach transforms the somber fast day, the 17th of Tammuz, into a brilliant celebration and feast. All our days will be yomim tovim, days of celebration and joy.
A contemporary leader in Chabad publicizes the call to return to the Holy Land. * We are destined to inherit three more lands, representing graduating from character refinement to the expansion of mind.
There is order in all this chaos. By Divine providence, the redemption comes in phases - for a reason. * It was Yehoshua’s duty to pray for the miracle of a complete and instantaneous victory. What was gained by engaging in mortal combat?