Think “Three”, Think Free
לד. קטעים משיחות ש”פ ואתחנן, שבת נחמו, ט”ז מנחם-אב ה’תנש”א (4) 34. 16 Menachem-Av, 5751 − July 27, 1991 (4)
לד. קטעים משיחות ש”פ ואתחנן, שבת נחמו, ט”ז מנחם-אב ה’תנש”א (4) 34. 16 Menachem-Av, 5751 − July 27, 1991 (4)
לד. קטעים משיחות ש”פ ואתחנן, שבת נחמו, ט”ז מנחם-אב ה’תנש”א (2) 34. 16 Menachem-Av, 5751 − July 27, 1991 (2)
לד. קטעים משיחות ש”פ ואתחנן, שבת נחמו, ט”ז מנחם-אב ה’תנש”א (1) 34. 16 Menachem-Av, 5751 − July 27, 1991 (1)
There was a long feud in a community I’m associated with, and one morning, I woke up with the news that the almost decade-old dispute was peacefully and respectfully settled.
Although repentance is loftier than Torah (for which reason atonement is accomplished through repentance even with regard to blemishes in and transgressions of the commandment to learn Torah), nevertheless the “revelation” of the entire matter of repentance is specifically through Torah. Indeed, this is the central point of the month of Elul: repentance expressed through rededication to Torah study.