Shabbos Flavored Shabbos Food
לד. קטעים משיחות ש”פ ואתחנן, שבת נחמו, ט”ז מנחם-אב ה’תנש”א (3) 34. 16 Menachem-Av, 5751 − July 27, 1991 (2)
לד. קטעים משיחות ש”פ ואתחנן, שבת נחמו, ט”ז מנחם-אב ה’תנש”א (3) 34. 16 Menachem-Av, 5751 − July 27, 1991 (2)
“The Rambam came from the house of Dovid and wished to be Moshiach. He therefore wrote a work of Halachic decisions encompassing even laws applicable only at the Redemption which would have been accepted by all.
A handwritten note from the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach from Pesach Sheni 5745 (1985) in response to a letter sent by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Wolfson, in which he quoted the Holy Ruzhiner (see Besuras Hageulah in this issue) who said that the Rambam saw himself as Moshiach .
How can we even be expected to feel for G-d the way we feel for a trusted friend? Is that a realistic, attainable goal? Can we attain a genuine connection with the infinite Creator? Can you fathom having G-d present in every facet of your life? Do you welcome Him in every dark corner of your world?
This psalm relates the great bitachon King Dovid had in Hashem, and many praises to Hashem for fulfilling what He promised to us
“A few days ago, a young man walked in to [my room] and told me excitedly that he [once] told my father-in-law, the Rebbe [Rayatz] that he wants to connect to the Alter Rebbe. The Rebbe answered him, “Zay mekusher tzu mir, vestu bemeila zain mekushar tzu di mit veleche ich bin mekushar” – that by being bound to him, he would thereby be connected to those whom he (=the Rebbe himself) was bound….
Rabbi Daniel Green proposes a better way to deal with struggling teens.
Fear is not doubt. While fear can be your friend, doubt stops you in your tracks. Healthy fear — as in being alert and on your toes — can save you. Without fear we could get hurt. We can be out of touch. Fear is triggered when you feel danger or something amiss. Fear is not being oblivious to a situation but being aware of it and acting accordingly. Fear keeps you safe through healthy caution, motivates the mind to action, and avails self-defense.
Many mayors and government officials over the years presented to the Rebbe a symbolic “key” to the city they headed.
An amazing Hashgacha Pratis story from a unique Chabad House.
A collection of relevant halachos regarding Teshuva-related topics
Ideas, resources, and inspiration for reaching out to scientists, bochurim, kids, laypeople, Bnei Torah, and more…
Attention Teachers! No child will leave your class the same way he came in. It’s up to you that he or she will leave as a better student.