With 1700 volunteers a month, an annual cycle of activities with a budget of close to $20,000,000, and now with the dedication of a building that is 20,000 square feet, the Chabad House known as the Mada Community Center just doesn ’t stop. * Beis Moshiach spoke with R’ Chaim Shlomo Cohen, the shliach of the Rebbe who runs Mada, about the connection between his meteoric success and the publicizing of the Besuras Ha’Geula and connecting people to the Rebbe, about the importance in encouraging mekuravim to write to the Rebbe and the need for avoda p’nimis to prepare to greet Moshiach. * R’ Cohen tells about how he lost a donation of a building because of publicizing that the Rebbe is Moshiach and emphasizes that aside from that one incident, the message is accepted by everyone after the proper explanation
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