Mistaking the darkness for light
“Happy birthday to Zalmy, happy birthday to you … ” The sounds of singing could be heard from the living room of the Abramowitz family that was celebrating the ninth birthday of their youngest child.
“Happy birthday to Zalmy, happy birthday to you … ” The sounds of singing could be heard from the living room of the Abramowitz family that was celebrating the ninth birthday of their youngest child.
Imagining how Rabbeinu HaNasi would visit his home every Shabbos, I thought at the time that surely the Rebbe Maharash visits his study every Shabbos or even every day. * From Chapter 8 of Rabbi Shloma Majeski’s Likkutei Mekoros.
The Book of D’varim begins with Moshe’s rebuking the Jewish people, delivered in the last few weeks of his life. However, as Rashi points out, his criticism of them was tempered. Moshe couched it in coded terms. Instead of referring to their actual sins, he mentions the places where they sinned.
In the Sicha of Matos-Massei 5751, the Rebbe makes the following statement about Ahavas Yisroel
The tzaddik, R’ Yaakov Yitzchok Horowitz, known as the Chozeh of Lublin, passed away on Tisha B’Av after a protracted battle to hasten the Geula. * It was a heavenly battle in which the tzaddikim of that generation were involved and the Satan himself was the adversary.
Rabbi Shmuel Machputz, his wife Noa, and their children are the shluchim in south Tel Aviv’s Neve Ofer neighborhood. The local residents, many of whom have known their fair share of distress and poverty, enjoy the Chabad outreach activities, done with great love and a full heart. Anyone acquainted with Rabbi Machputz is familiar with his ever-present smile and cheerful demeanor. A fascinating account of this most successful shlichus.
Nearly 67 years of outreach activity and activism. That was the life of the mashgiach-mashpia in 770, R’ Yekusiel (Kuti) Menachem Rapp a”h, who was killed in a car accident. * His entire life was devoted to carrying out the Rebbe’s wishes. * He carried out many missions of the Rebbe at the El-Al terminal in New York as well as with other organizations that he started, like the Vaad HaMechanchim, Matteh Shira V’Zimra and the Matteh HaOlami L’Hatzolas HaAm V’HaAretz.