From Chapter Five of Rabbi Shloma Majeski’s Likkutei Mekoros Vol. 2. (Underlined text is the compiler’s emphasis.)
From Chapter Five of Rabbi Shloma Majeski’s Likkutei Mekoros Vol. 2. (Underlined text is the compiler’s emphasis.)
The story of the building of the Mishkan contains a lot of guidance for us in the area of Bitachon, as we know that the point of building the Mishkan was that the G-dliness that came down during Mattan Torah should remain in this world permanently. Having an abode (for Hashem) among us, whether in the form of a unique edifice or in the figure of a great tzaddik, assists us in living in a way that Hashem is a reality in our lives, not something abstract.
R’ Nissan Mangel, a distinguished rav and mashpia in Crown Heights, shares what he heard about the Rebbe’s involvement in the Yossele saga. * How the Satmar Rebbe referred a fateful question to the Lubavitcher Rebbe. * About the late night yechidus and the Rebbe’s answer
The boy from the vocational school in Kfar Chabad, when asked to construct an Aron Kodesh for his father’s shul, blazed a new trail in shul furnishings. To mark the sidra in which we read of the design of the aron and the Mishkan, we met with Pinchas Lachiani, owner of “Finish” synagogue furnishings, who has devoted his life to beautify miniature sanctuaries in Eretz Yisroel and abroad. * Lachiani shares moving stories and tells of the life altering month that he spent with the Rebbe, about his personal encounter with the Rebbe, the mysterious blessing he received as a boy and which was understood years later, and which aron kodesh required rappelling to construct.
The Mishkan, the portable Sanctuary the Jewish people constructed in the desert, was constructed out of gold, silver and copper.
The Chassid R’ Yaakov Friedman was one of the outstanding gabboei tz’daka in New York. He would go from place to place, setting aside his dignity, raising money to support those who learn Torah and the needy. * To mark his passing on the first of Adar, a time when according to the Mishna “announcements are made about the sh’kalim” – we compiled stories about his tz’daka work
This Shabbos – Parshas Truma – is also the first Shabbos of Chodesh Adar Rishon. Everyone knows that Chazal say (Taanis 29) “Mi’sh’nichnas Adar Marbim B’simcha, When the month of Adar arrives we should increase our joy.”
What do you need to be careful of when teaching abstract concepts in Chassidus? What should be emphasized when reading a Chassidic maamer to an audience who is not used to it? What do you do when your audience is falling asleep? * Principles, advice, and examples in giving a shiur in Chassidus to the “outside.”
Chabad “is not worthy of JDC support * Chabad is promoting “medieval fanaticism” in Morocco * Bochurim are learning Gemara loudly, like in Slobodka, and not quietly like in Morocco * Rabbi Gorodetsky: “We are always right…
770 was humming as usual. The zal was full of Chassidim. A minyan was davening here, over there sat two bachurim learning, while in that corner sat a Chassid alone.