Uplifting the world in this way is in virtue of “Beis Rabbeinu,” located in the Lower Hemisphere. Beis Rabbeinu is the place from which light shines forth to the rest of the world.
Uplifting the world in this way is in virtue of “Beis Rabbeinu,” located in the Lower Hemisphere. Beis Rabbeinu is the place from which light shines forth to the rest of the world.
The four of them are representative of the Chabad community in Eretz Yisroel. One is a veteran director of a Chabad house, another is a senior employee in the weapons manufacture industry, a third is the owner of a printing house, and the fourth is the principal of an elementary school and the director of a Chabad house. * Discussions with hard-working Chassidim for whom mivtzaim is part of the air they breathe and a shliach who dreams of a Chabad house on every street corner. They are Chassidim who don’t seek a title or official appointment in order to carry out the Rebbe’s horaos.
Each of us has a “barrel” that weighs heavily on his heart and that doesn’t allow him to be joyful. If we want to get rid of it, we need to arouse joy from a place where it does not depend on anything, but exudes from our very being. Through this joy, we will be able to remove the “barrel” and bring in the Geula.
R’ Shraga Elimelech (Meilich) Kaplan went to Tomchei T’mimim as a thin, sickly child. He overcame many obstacles and became one of the diligent talmidim there. Despite the wandering he had to endure with his fellow talmidim, he continued to learn diligently. In his memory he had stored away images of the great Chassidim that he saw and he later wrote about these Chassidim. * Part 1 of 2
“Who is greater and whose ideal is superior – Avraham or Moshiach? Is it Avraham, whose kindness and tz’daka are the catalysts that bring about the Messianic Age? Avraham is the very source and impetus for the entire process of making this world a “Dwelling Place for G-d,” which will be fully realized in the Messianic Age. Without Avraham’s initiative there would be no process. Or perhaps Moshiach is superior, because he represents the culmination of that process and the ushering in of a new world order of Divine revelation with all of its attendant benefits such as world peace.”
A point from the weekly D’var Malchus with a relevant message. * This week, you don’t need to “dig” in order to see the revelation of “Anochi.” Just look and you’ll see!
One year ago, the Chassid R’ Gershon Chanowitz, one of the ziknei ha’chassidim in New York, passed away. R’ Gershon learned in Yeshivos Tomchei T’mimim in Poland and America and was saved from the clutches of the Nazis. He established a beautiful Chassidic home and was an example of a Chassid, Yerei Shamayim, and Lamdan in his community.
“… the deputy mayor is someone who is regularly interested in what is going on with the Jewish people, Chassidim especially. He visited Yerushalayim, and attended one of the big Chassidic courts and saw their magnificent beis midrash. After that visit, he had great expectations of Chabad world headquarters. At first, he was disappointed, but on second thought he said to R’ Slavaticki, “It’s true that the beis midrash of that Chassidic group is bigger and more beautiful, but I want to help Chabad because I see that you are less involved in self-glorification and more committed to the entire world.””
How many times have we cried out that the Israel Defense Forces are being constrained by world opinion? The bitter truth revealed during the recent military operations is that we get a ringing slap in the face specifically when the Israeli government tries to appease the international community.
I’m sure you enjoyed reading my previous article about what happened to us in old Sholom’s printing house. I am happy to report that the “Adventures of Shmuli and Berel in Sholom’s Print House,” if I can call it that, have not ended. All our friends in class already knew just how we bravely snuck into the print shop and managed to solve the difficult mystery that disturbed the peace of all who lived in our quiet house … (okay, now I’m writing exaggeratedly, like those who tell stories …).