In the world of Chassidus, it has been said about a certain tzaddik that he managed to conceal his tzidkus (righteousness) by being famous as a baal Nigleh; whereas another tzaddik managed to conceal his scholarship with his great tzidkus. It can be said about Rabbi Yaakov Friedman a”h, who passed away eleven years ago, that with his modesty he concealed his entire personality.
Rabbi Yaakov, one of the outstanding individuals of our time, was multifaceted, but he hid it all with his anava (humility) and bittul (self-abnegation) that were part and parcel of who he was.
Anyone who knew him would say, “Er iz geven a gehoibener Yid” (he was a spiritually elevated Jew). Although quite true, such a general statement could only be made by one who did not have the privilege of knowing him up close. With that phrase, they express the enormous distance they felt when they came in contact with him for even a few minutes. However, those who spent time with him got a glimpse of his true greatness.
“V’ha’chaI yiten el libo” – may the living take it to heart and may this article be a z’chus L’ilui Nishmaso.
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