Don’t Fight Evil
לד. קטעים משיחות ש”פ ואתחנן, שבת נחמו, ט”ז מנחם-אב ה’תנש”א (5) 34. 16 Menachem-Av, 5751 − July 27, 1991 (5)
לד. קטעים משיחות ש”פ ואתחנן, שבת נחמו, ט”ז מנחם-אב ה’תנש”א (5) 34. 16 Menachem-Av, 5751 − July 27, 1991 (5)
Reward is not for someone who is obligated to work, but for one who binds himself in a kind of consensual, contractual agreement to work for specified compensation, such as a hired worker. We work now and get paid in a timely fashion. The next day, in fact – and even before that! * There is a deeper relationship in the grand enterprise of refining and settling the world, whereby we are partners in Creation.
A Shevat 5727 (1967) answer from the Rebbe regarding the proper relationship between educators to their students and their parents:
A collection of relevant halachos regarding checking placement Mezuzos in connection to the month of Elul, from &
Rabbi Yehuda Leib Mochkin who passed away this past Shabbos Chazon, the ninth of Av, was born ninety-five years ago on the fourteenth of Shvat 5684, to his father, the Chassidic mashpia, R’ Peretz, and his mother, Mrs. Henya Charshe, who were then living in the Ukrainian village of Semenivka.
Deep in the US military laboratory in Fort Detrick, MD lurk deadly viruses like ebola, anthrax, smallpox and plague.
“I’ve decided to go into organized crime,” the young and gifted grad says. “Great career choice,” the father says. “Just tell me — in the private sector or the public sector?”
Elul 5695/1935. The KGB bursts into the homes of seven Chassidim in the dark of night and arrests them. Beis Moshiach retraces the course of events of eighty-four years ago as well as the fate of the seven heroes.
A compilation of pearls from Chai Elul Yomanim (diary entries) by tmimim learning in 770 over the years
The light bulb is a fascinating invention, one that illuminates our lives and improves our standard of living tremendously.
He was one of the great opponents of the nascent Chassidic movement; He was the life-force of the committee of Lithuanian rabbis of Vilna, Slutzk, Brisk and Shklov who proclaimed a cherem against the Baal Shem Tov
Most of us are familiar with the embarrassing, ego-deflating sting of being judged by someone else. We easily recognize the moment when we look down and say to ourselves, “Wait? I’m not OK?”
In light of the Rebbe’s words in 5748 (1988) about building new homes and buildings, Agudas Chasidei Chabad decided to finally begin the long-awaited, much-needed expansion of 770.