What does the Rebbe really want from you? If you know that what he wants from you is to be crazy about Moshiach, then there is nothing else that matters…
What does the Rebbe really want from you? If you know that what he wants from you is to be crazy about Moshiach, then there is nothing else that matters…
The fact that Pharaoh can force him into backbreaking labor – it is not Pharaoh King of Egypt who truly forces him! Rather, when G-d wants to test a Jew, He wields an axe, rod, or stick. But this is only “the axe in the hand of the woodchopper.” G-d checks whether he will stand up to the challenge and be strong in his Judaism. It is then that the exile is not real! * Part 2 of 2 (continued from last issue)
How is it possible to say that, prior to the exodus, when the Jewish people were still entrenched in exile, from the time of Rosh Chodesh Nissan (“This month shall be for you”), Nissan is referred to as the Month of Redemption? Security was so controlled at the Egyptian border, throughout the entire country, that the Torah testifies, “Not a single slave was able to escape Egypt.” So how is it possible to say that from the time of Rosh Chodesh it was the Month of Redemption?
In honor of Yud-Alef Nissan that year, I decided to send the Rebbe the most beautiful notebooks. I told the girls about this and the competition was fierce. All the girls worked hard to make their notebook the most attractive. Excitement ran high – they were sending a gift to the Rebbe!
Yes, everyone is busy getting ready for Pesach, cleaning, giving out shmura matza, etc., but Yud-Alef Nissan is Yud-Alef Nissan!
In honor of Yud-Alef Nissan, the birthday of the Rebbe MH”M, we present fifty stories of the Rebbe, including directives, quotes, Torah thoughts, and miracles. The common denominator is the lesson in avodas Hashem. * The stories were collected and written by Rabbi Sholom Dov Ber Reichman, who heard them firsthand.