From a private meeting of Yosef Ben Eliezer with the Rebbe one week after The Six Day War. * The Rebbe answers the question, “How can the Rebbe be so sure what is good for the Jewish people?”
After a handshake the Rebbe turned to me and said: “This is a great and auspicious time for the Jewish People. The Jewish people have experienced miracles throughout their long history. Their entire existence is one continuous chain of miracles. However, it is only on rare occasions that miracles are shown by G-d to the entire world, as if He blows the Great Shofar and announces: ‘This is My Eternal Nation, The Jewish People!’
“This is how it was at the time of the Exodus from Egypt, and on other rare occasions, and so was it this last week. There are times when G-d [as if] conceals His face from His children. However, there are occasions when kindness and miracles are of huge proportions and brought before the eyes of humanity.
“And this is how it was this past week. G-d, who created the world and is the Master, He gave The Land of Israel to the Jewish people. There was a time, a long long time, when He had taken the Land and given it into the hands of the nations of the world. Last week He took it back from them and handed it back to the Jewish People.
“And in order that there remain no doubt in anybody’s mind that it was G-d who gave this back to us, this was bound up with great miracles. When all the enemies of Israel had planned the annihilation of the Jewish People in the land of Israel, the entire world, and the entire Jewish people trembled and were fearful ‘how would Israel be saved being surrounded on all her sides by an enemy intent on her destruction’ did G-d show miracles and wonders. In a very short time He defeated her enemies from before her, and gave her the Land of Israel together with the sacred sites of our land.
“However Jews have freedom of choice, and need to stand firm and guard two fundamental issues. Firstly, not to say G-d forbid that this came about as a result of ‘my own strength and might’ and not to take pride as if to say that it was the power of our troops which brought about the victory. This [the power of the troops] was no more than a small vessel within nature. The miraculous victory was from G-d, from Him alone.
“The second point has to do with you too, and that is why I asked to speak to you. I recognize the nature of Jews, including those that stand at this time at the head of the political spectrum of Israel. I am most concerned that already in the coming few days they are putting their energies into sending to Washington a delegation with the offer that they are prepared to return the lands which they conquered. They do not understand that it was not they that conquered any land whatsoever; rather it was G-d Who gave it to them as a great gift wrought with huge miracles, the land which rightfully belonged to them. Such a step must be prevented at all costs.”
I mustered some chutzpah and asked: “Rebbe, how do I come into the picture?”
The Rebbe replied: “You meet with Israeli representatives who come to the United Nations, with the Israeli ambassador and the like. You have access to the State Department; you are able to sense what is happening. My request to you is that when you argue with Israel’s representatives – repeat before them the words that you have heard here speaking with maximum strength.”
At this point the Rebbe turned to me with a passionate voice and said: “And if the Israelis will ask you: ‘How can you be so sure of yourself? On what basis do you know what is good for the Jewish People, or not?’ – tell them of the only son whose parents were afraid of his future, and wanted to bring him back to the United States, and it was from this very room that they were assured, and similarly for thousands more only children, that there is nothing to fear, and certainly all will be well. And on what basis were they so assured from this room? On the basis that there is a Creator and Master of the World Who decided to give as a gift the Land of Israel to the Jewish People. And when the Creator of the World gives us a gift – this needs to be held precious, to be safeguarded, and not to search for ways of being rid of it!
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