GPU agents visit the yeshiva. * R’ Zalman’s tactic that helped maintain the yeshiva for another year and a half. * From the life of R’ Yehoshua Shneur Zalman Serebryanski a”h.
GPU agents visit the yeshiva. * R’ Zalman’s tactic that helped maintain the yeshiva for another year and a half. * From the life of R’ Yehoshua Shneur Zalman Serebryanski a”h.
The Rebbe said to Sharon: “It will be our greatest insanity if we were to retreat from the new borders. It will expose the lack of trust of the government of Israel; lack of faith in our own strength will only invite external pressure upon us. It is imperative to stop trying to find favor in the eyes of the gentile nations. This has never helped in the past; neither will it ever help for the future. The indecisiveness in Israel must stop.
King David’s response serves as a precedent for all of the apparent irreverent behavior, the “wild” gestures and gesticulations that accompany special holiday celebrations. It is not considered to be degrading and demeaning. Rather, it is our way of displaying our passion for G-d and His Holy days.
Two years ago, the Chassid, R’ Nesanel Dreifus, rav of a community and one of the Rebbe’s veteran shluchim in Netanya suddenly passed away at the age of 58 following a heart attack. * For over thirty years, he transformed the lives of thousands of Jews and drew them close to their Father in heaven and to Chassidus. * He was an outstanding doer of chesed. He felt people’s pain as though he was their father. * Remembering an unforgettable rav and shliach.
There are women who do mivtzaim, which is very important, but just as important is not to neglect the children. Mivtzaim can’t be done at the expense of the children; the children come first. * The story of a Polish-Chassidishe woman whose family became Lubavitch.
The linchpin of the Reshet when it was first founded was R’ Aharon Mordechai Zilberstrom a”h who passed away on 17 Tammuz at the age of 89. * He was one of the pioneers of Chabad chinuch in Eretz Yisroel, who worked with astonishing intensity on behalf of the Reshet. * In a letter dated Adar 5725, the Rebbe lists the names of a few dynamic askanim as examples of diligent and effective people who did not need constant encouragement. R’ Zilberstrom was one of them.
After five successive heart attacks had placed their mother’s life in jeopardy, her children turned to the Rebbe and asked for a bracha. The answer was not long in coming: Change your place and you change your luck for good and for a blessing. • A fascinating story that came to its final conclusion twenty years later.
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Nachshon, rosh yeshiva of the Chabad yeshiva in Natzrat Ilit, in an interview about chinuch. * How does yeshiva turn into home for the bachurim? * What is the role of parents when their son is in yeshiva? * What should be done with a bachur who is weak academically but is a yerei Shamayim? * Why are the staff members of yeshivas these days so young? * This, and more, in a discussion that is relevant to parents and bachurim everywhere.
Although repentance is loftier than Torah (for which reason atonement is accomplished through repentance even with regard to blemishes in and transgressions of the commandment to learn Torah), nevertheless the “revelation” of the entire matter of repentance is specifically through Torah. Indeed, this is the central point of the month of Elul: repentance expressed through rededication to Torah study.
Rabbi Lipskier takes a personal interest in each individual and helps kindle the spark of Judaism that lies at the heart of every Jew. Every person who has studied with Rabbi Lipskier has emerged to live with more enthusiasm for Judaism.
“Stop it, NOW, both of you! I don’t want to hear another word. You are just fighting for the sake of fighting. Even if we bring in the beis din to resolve your complaints, it wouldn’t help. You don’t really want a verdict, you just want to fight!”
Seized by a feeling of tremendous panic, I started to scream. Then, with a mother’s instinct, I jumped under the wheels of the tractor…
To be sure, the King is in the field. G-d—and His chosen human redeemer, Moshiach—is here and is waiting for us to seize the opportunity to do our part in making the Redemption a tangible reality. Moshiach is waiting for us to say, “We are ready for Moshiach!” And we express that readiness by accepting Moshiach as our leader, following his directives for an enhanced commitment to Torah and its commandments, permeated with a passionate desire to usher in the Era of Redemption.