Stories about Mivtza T’fillin
Stories about Mivtza T’fillin
Before hakafos, a time considered especially auspicious, R’ Chatshe took the two bachurim for yechidus and pleaded on their behalf. The Rebbe’s response was: They must serve G-d rather than serve in the army. * The wanderings of R’ Yehoshua Shneur Zalman from Rostov to Poltava to Charkov.
It is the height of foolishness to take America’s views on how to deal with a threat to our very existence into account.
We need to forget the nonsense of the machlokes of “Meshichist” and “Anti.” We need to join together as a unit committed to carrying out what the Rebbe wants. Just as the Chassidim of the Rebbe Rayatz, who knew that when they went to start an underground school it might land them a sentence of twenty years of hard labor, and yet this did not stop them, so too we must nullify ourselves to the Rebbe and announce the Besuras Ha’Geula to the world. * A passionate speech delivered by Rabbi Mordechai (ben Rochel, for a refua shleima) Gal, shliach in Ramat Gan, during a Melaveh Malka farbrengen in Kfar Chabad.
As someone who served in the Reserves, I know that in situations like these you represent all of religious Jewry to the other soldiers, as well as the Rebbe and the Creator of the universe Himself! We spent endless hours talking about Judaism, mitzva observance, etc. * R’ Zev Crombie shares his reminiscences of the first Lebanon War. * Thirty years since the Lebanon War: 1982-2012.
Located in Los Angeles, Bais Toras Menachem is a unique yeshiva. Since its founding four years ago it has been educating young men looking for an alternative to the typical mainstream yeshiva, but yet who want to learn in a high quality program with a chassidishe environment. Its challenging yet warm smicha program, which combines a rigorous course of study with vocational training and individualized attention, has given talmidim the opportunity to flourish on many different levels. Beis Moshiach sat down with Rabbi and Mrs. Mordechai Katz, the founders of the yeshiva, and got the inside story.
The illumination of the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy is in the field, not in the desert. A desert is at the level of “‘a land that is not cultivated,’ which are those deeds, words spoken, and thoughts which are not for G-d’s sake.” In order to receive the illumination of the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy requires at least the arousal of the acceptance of the yoke of the kingship of Heaven, represented by leaving (the desert), to go at least to the field, to greet the king.
R’ Menachem Bakosh lives in Adei Ad, an isolated place with no fence surrounding it, deep in the heart of hostile Arab territory. * He reaches out to youth in the area, not only to strengthen Jewish settlement in Eretz Yisroel but also to show them the beauty of Torah and Chassidus. * He describes his work as well as his life under the shadow of the sword, which can at any moment destroy their homes.
If, G-d forbid, it comes out as the opposite of a blessing, the person is plagued with doubts. But this potential outcome is forewarned by the statement, “Behold, I give…a blessing and a curse.” * With the power of hiskashrus to the Rebbe, one comes to recognize that everything that comes from Above is actually entirely good. Then, even the curses are transformed into blessings.
“But how many times do I have to help them? Haven’t I helped them enough already? I know that you go every evening to help with bedtime and cleanup, but I’m not on your level, Bassie.”
In the days preceding both the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War, the Rebbe expressed complete confidence that we would emerge victorious. Yet, he also demanded security measures of the highest order. The things that the Rebbe said then apply today with equal force. It is forbidden to sit quietly with our hands folded. Now is the time to go out with greater motivation on the various mitzvah campaign activities.
The one time the Rebbe called me “Heishe.” * The remarkable kiruv and the open miracle of the Rebbe when we had children.
All the money or other earthly possessions—and even intellectual, cultural and even spiritual possessions—do not really make you rich. Only the things that we share with others—money, knowledge, warmth etc.—are indicators of our wealth. It represents Divine wealth that has enduring value.